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– Always think of the SPINE –
Before I treat with homeopathic remedies, I look at the patient’s body. I watch as he stands, how he moves, what compensatory movements he makes. I look at his behavior and utterances. I try to make me a picture in which he is energetic balance.

In the last 40 years, I have repeatedly made the observation that people are out of balance. This in many cases indicates the condition and the movement of the spine. When this spinal column „wrong“ is, so has enormous impact on the exiting nerve there.

Nerve function (the telephone network of the body):

  • Nerve signal to the target organ specific behavior; they are „trapped“, arrives at the wrong command.
  • Nerve signaling to the brain, in which state is the target organ. „Trapped“ nerves signal the brain false information.

Which vertebra which function is assigned, can be derived via the sympathetic trunk (autonomic NS).

Example: The thoracic vertebrae Th 3-5 are in a deadlock. Here the nerves make the connection between heart and brain. The blockade may lead to low blood pressure. Success can be: rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness … If I succeed to resolve this deadlock, the symptoms disappear within a very short time. In fact, the heart is perfectly fine. The blood pressure is good. The brain is supplied with blood and full of stomach feels normal again. This is the new information to the brain: I am fine. Conclusion blockades often repetitive physical stress, be it by means of working, either through a bad sleeper, either through fun and games with the children, whether through …

Drugs can not lift this blockade. It requires the right movement, which positioned the thoracic spine properly again. Here you have the „method Dorn“ or a conventional chiropractic. As gentle repositioning of the body is much less stressful, I try to personally handle this so (eg Dorn and my own manipulations).

To reposition correctly, it is advisable to put the body to advance through massage in a relaxed state. Only a relaxed body, it can be easily seen that the vortices can be moved back into the healing position.

In about 50% of cases after a lifting of the blockade, the treatment has ended. Here I recommend the patient to do exercises daily discharge (so he also cares for the own well-being and focus on the own needs). These exercises I show him. Then I encourage him to report back to me immediately if the old symptoms reappear. A two-time following treatment may be necessary.

Only if this approach does not bring lasting success, I take care of the personal constitution. Only then I can assume that a homeopathic treatment is useful. As Samuel Hahnemann says: Once daily sweep all imponderables out of the way and look for a good energy balance (mesmerize), only then rely on homeopathy. This also includes a straight spine.

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