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Old Father Hahnemann has divided the sick feeling in three groups – in the miasma:

1. Psora
2. Sycosis
3. Syphilinie

I took a long time to get started with these „toxic vapors“ (literal translation of miasma) something. I realized suddenly, as I was involved in astrology. Therefore I will also share this knowledge with the help of astrology. Do not worry, it is not necessary to learn quickly now 20 years, as astrology works. It is enough to understand that astrology is a modular system, in which you can store and sort all of life. We therefore compare it with a file cabinet that has 12 compartments. Each compartment has a particular color (element), and a specific energy (drive)

Water = Emotions
Air = thoughts, ideas
Fire = action, power
Earth = manifestation in everyday life
Each item appears in three different versions: triggering, fixative and distributing. Each element is only triggered once, and then it is fixed in order to be later distributed to the rest of the world. Astrologers organize these different combinations to the astrology signs / houses.

Water + triggering pulse = love (mom, care, well-fed and well protected)
Water + fixative pulse = joy (friends, go, we want to have fun, let’s dance, celebrate, feel good)
Water + distributing impulse = trust (God/dess, creation, thrived well)

Now, no one can hold water really. So water is fluctuating, a little fuzzy, not to describe. This also applies to feelings. We all are not able to get hold water. Feelings are fickle, easily impressed. Even those feelings we cannot pour in a frame. A small movement – and everything is completely different.

Our life is limited. From our feelings without emotional commitment, nothing happens. Our consent, our sympathy, our tendency is the ground of our whole life. These feelings are based on everything we do. From our feelings, dated the „I want“.

The next step is thinking. If we want to do something, we start to think about it.

Air + triggering pulse = weighing
Air + fixative = pulse shape the future
Air + distributing impulse = to talk about everything

After the decision, after the planning, we put our ideas into action:

Fire + triggering pulse = Initiative, beginning
Fire + fixative pulse = to give top priority
Fire + distributing pulse = teach others how this works.

At some point, we have our plan given a tangible face:

Earth + triggering pulse = the seed from which everything grows out
Earth + fixative pulse = everything blooms grow and prosper
Earth + distributing impulse = the harvest retract

Ultimately it is always a three-step process. One of the elements is triggered, and then we bring it to reality, later we can all participate. The basis of all our lives but our feelings, that we are open to anything. First of these feelings out, we think about it, implement it and get a result.

We disrupt these processes, then there will be blockades, one of the elements is slowing down or overtaking the others. In any case it loses the balance. Now we come under pressure and lose our way. Drops us no reasonable orientation, we suppress the matter. From that moment on, the problem is stewing in the background. Here, when the „steam“ is too big, we get sick. For a repressed problem is still existent, we can see not only more. The disease brings it to the surface. We can look again. It uses the symbols of life disease:
I get under your skin. It takes me the air to breathe. Me is coming up the bile. That gets to the kidneys. Since I do not have nearly the heart remained. That breaks my cross … – In all languages we will probably be able to find such wisdom. The formulations are changing, but the information will remain.

Therefore, the basis of any healing is the use of the balance of feelings:

Love, joy and confidence – love, joy and confidence.

Love, Enjoy and Confidence

Love, Enjoy and Confidence

Tapping, you can change your inner program.

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