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Botanical name: Salix vitellina Linn.
Family: Salicaceae


  • Latin: Salix alba L.  var vitellinea Stokes;
  • English: Yellow willow, Yellow-stem white willow, Golden osier;
  • French: Osier jaune, , Osier vitellin;
  • German: Dotterweide.


Unhappiness and despair that one believes to be caused by others; sense of having received injustice. Failure to see one’s own share in contributing to the experience of severity. Anger and outrage are usually not expressed adequately and turn into smoldering resentment; feelings become locked-in chronically. Chronic resentment in response to true neglect or abuse by others, with willingness or necessity to forgo rebellion; preoccupation, inability to release disturbing thoughts, even when attempt is made; obsessive-compulsive orientation; psychosomatic complaints from overcompliance and suppression of aggression. Chronic resentment in response to only minor faults of others, while the major portion of guilt or failure resides with oneself; exaggerated and irrational blaming, pointing to a scapegoat, shirking of responsibility; mental illness can develop in extreme cases [fixed ideas, delusions, paranoia, homicidal impulse, factitious disorder and malingering (feigning of illness and procrastination for personal gain), passive-aggressive personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, disruptive behavior disorder (especially oppositional defiant disorder), borderline personality disorder]. Failure to cultivate a forgiving attitude; in many cases, lack of aspiration toward love and forgiveness; self-righteousness; vindictive urge. Chronic dissatisfaction; lack of fulfillment and purpose; deep-seated sense of having lost grace, of having failed one’s destiny. Bitterness and disillusionment; depression; moroseness; self-pity; sudden venting of acrid feelings or anger. Envy and jealousy at the fortune of others; one feels left out and unfortunate; sensitivity to being offended or humiliated. “Misery seeks company,” relief of unfortunate feeling as others join same fate; joy at the misfortune of others.

  • MIND – FEIGNING – sick; to be
  • MIND – PITIES herself
  • MIND – SADNESS – embitterment; from


A facial expression of bitterness; rigidity of posture. Psychosomatic complaints from suppression of aggressive impulses (see below); anger and disgust may arouse visceral and intestinal response (vomiting, colic, ulceration, constipation); intestinal ulceration, irritable colon, and constricted breathing may result from not being able to release and work through resentment (compulsive-obsessive); suppression of aggression for the sake of peace or conforming to rules may lead mainly to hypertension and heart disturbances, breathing disturbances, liver and gallbladder disorders, soft tissue rheumatism and arthritis, connective tissue disease, and complaints from tension.
Depression of vitality from having submerged one’s anger; an organism turned against itself; self-injury or self-mutilation. Insomnia stemming from suppression of aggressive impulses during the waking hours; reemerging of and preoccupation with resentful thoughts in the night. [Related species of Salix vitellina, homeopathically prepared from the bark, have been used in the treatment of rheumatism (Salix nigra, Salix purpurea), the latter being indicated mainly for rheumatic pain in the right acetabulum; these trees contain the active ingredient of salicylic acid which is contained in aspirin and is also employed in the treatment of arthritis.] Tension headaches, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar troubles, dysmenorrhea. Hyperkinetic heart syndrome

  • Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
  • Hypertension  Hyperventilation syndrome
  • Chronic cough or ‘protest cough’
  • Deep-sighing respiration
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes
  • Constipation
  • Liver and gallbladder disturbance
  • Soft tissue rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Self-inflicted skin lesions (dermatological artifact)
  • Insomnia – intermittent type (due to excessive demands and suppression of hostility)
  • Skin allergies Skin disease (pruritus – compulsive patients)
  • Nervous breathing syndrome – ‘respiratory corset’
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – patients with character neurosis  Irritable colon


Holly: Anger and irritability, expressed usually or withheld; strong emotions of hatred, revenge, jealousy, envy.
Beech: Fault-finding, criticism, blaming others; intolerance.
Crab Apple: Feelings of disgust for another; self-disgust from contact or cooperation with that other.
Chicory: Self-pity and blaming others when the expected gratitude or recognition after service done is not rendered; feigning of illness and malingering for personal gain (also Heather, Chestnut Bud, Vine).
White Chestnut: Fixated thought patterns; cannot let go of troubling experiences; obsessive-compulsive.
Wild Rose: Shuts down emotionally after unfavorable experiences, yet no active resentment; resignation and apathy determine the attitude.
Agrimony: Submerged resentment; inner dissatisfaction, yet capacity to stay cheerful; no true psychological release, yet suppression of aggression through diversion, denial, social kindness.
Vine: Assumes right to express anger and resentment after having experienced humiliation or disrespect; manipulates others actively or    passively; disruptive behavior disorder; feigning of illness and malingering.

Homoeopathic Medicine  and  Willow

Natrum muriaticum: Chronic resentment, locked-in bitter feelings after grief or severity; compulsive, depressed, vulnerable; obsessive dwelling on adverse past experiences; migraines; breathing difficulties and sighing, as if caused by internal tension; arrhythmia; hypertension; gastric ulcer; diabetes; colitis; inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome; constipation; connective tissue disease; lower back pain; urticaria (skin allergies), eczema, (psoriasis); insomnia; (great thirst, craving for salt).
Natrum carbonicum: Gentle and ready to serve selflessly, yet strong antipathy against certain people develops and those feelings cannot be released easily; (attempts to stay cheerful, cf. Agrimony); (mental fatigue from intellectual work); grief; headaches from mental overexertion (from sun); pressure and tension in chest, with breathing difficulty; gastritis; gastric ulcer; jaundice, chronic inflammation of liver; irritable bowel syndrome.
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis): Self-righteous and proper; anger and resentment from being slighted or humiliated; headaches; acute attack of abdominal cramping pain and cholecystitis from withheld indignation, better bending double; constriction in larynx, oppressed breathing, ‘protest cough’; gastroenteritis; irritable bowel syndrome; dysmenorrhea; insomnia from indignation.
Carcinosin: Suppressed resentment and withheld rebelliousness after abuse; easily feels guilty, is sensitive and sympathetic; children suffer from being reprimanded; headaches deep inside the brain; oppression of the chest; abdominal pain with amelioration from bending over (same modalities as Colocynthis); diabetes; colitis; constipation and rectal prolapse; dysmenorrhea; acne; sleeplessness from thoughts.
Sepia officinalis: Indifference toward family members, with underlying resentment that is vented in harsh, cutting remarks; self-pity, depression; feels overwhelmed and treated unfairly; internal stagnation of emotions; headaches and migraines; oppression of chest; gastritis; gastric ulcer; liver and gallbladder pathology; constipation; connective tissue disease; pruritus ani, (psoriasis); restless sleep.
Pulsatilla nigricans: Originally gentle and seeking affection; disillusionment and disgust toward the other set in as needs are not met; resentment and self-pity (cf. Chicory), depression; headaches and migraines; oppression of chest, cramp-like constriction; violent heart palpitations; gastritis; jaundice; visceral response of disgust after experience of abuse or neglect; dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea; connective tissue disease; urticaria (skin allergies), (psoriasis); insomnia from recurring thoughts.
Staphisagria (Delphinium staphisagria): Seeks to be gentle, yet internal resentment builds up as others exploit the kindness; sudden vehement outbursts release deep-seated sense of having been treated unfairly; may throw things; depression; headaches with wooden or blocked sensation; contractive oppression and agitation in chest, ‘protest cough’; heart palpitations; gastric ulcer; constipation; connective tissue disease; (psoriasis); insomnia from mental overactivity.
Platinum: Condescends against and resents others, especially if they infringe too closely; needs excitement and recognition; being thwarted creates frustration and antipathy; impulses to stab even those loved best; suppressed anger causes numbness, spasms, constrictive headaches/ migraines, neuralgias, anxious and spasmodic constriction of chest, dysmenorrhea; (band-like, constrictive sensations around many parts of the body such as the thighs); constipation.
Rhus toxicodendron: Becomes rigid emotionally, even malicious; originally restlessly joyful and prone to jesting; complaints from overexertion and anger; compulsive-obsessive; fear of killing someone; headaches; heart palpitations; hyperkinetic heart syndrome; connective tissues disease, rheumatism; low back pain; urticaria (skin allergies).
Ignatia amara: Holds resentment within after disappointment and grief; initially fails to communicate and express emotions; depression, moroseness; with time, recriminations and accusations toward others are forthcoming; headaches and migraines; deep-sighing respiration; hyperventilation syndrome; arrhythmia; rectal spasms, irritable colon; arthritis; low back pain; insomnia or excessive need to sleep from recalling of grievous event.
Anacardium orientale: Feels inferior and treated unfairly; chronic resentment, even coldheartedness and cruelty; persecutory delusions, paranoia; depression; constrictive head pain; anguished oppression of chest; gastritis, gastric ulcer; eczema, (poison oak rash).
Aloe socotrina: Holds grief and rebellion against being treated unfairly within; complies and continues to cooperate; intestinal disturbances “speak”
of the withheld disappointment, sacrifice, and resentment (from author’s case observation); headaches in forehead; heat and congestion in the liver; colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea with urging at 5 a.m. ; low back pain; crowding of thoughts on going to sleep.

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