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“Pinus Sylvestris …

A slender tree reaching a height of up to 100ft .It’s bark brown red lower down and orange brown in the upper crown. Grows in forests and on heaths , liking a sandy soil.”

Emotional Group  :  Despondency and Despair

“Pine relates to the soul qualities of regret ang forgiveness . A person in the negative pine state will cling …”

Pine Keynote Symptoms …

Guilt Complex


Regret , lack of self Forgiveness

  • Self-reproach , guilt feelings ,despondency .
  • Often uses apoplogetic turns of phrase in conversation.
  • Often feels guilty , tends to blame oneself.
  • Introvert , little joy in life
  • Feels partly responsible for the mistakes of others.
  • Sets the highest standard for himself –more than for others-and feels guilty at heart if unable to live upto them.
  • Even if successful , feels he could have done this ot that even better.
  • Looks more to limits than to potentials , self destructively undermines self with negative image.
  • Feels unworthy , inferior , an underdog waiting for the stick.
  • Excuse self for being ill , depressed or axhausted.
  • At heart of hearts consider self as coward
  • Finds it difficult to accept anything , unconsiously feeling he does not deserve anything.
  • Feels guilty when need arises to speak firmly toothers
  • Feels undeserving of love , refusing self the right to exists “forgive me for having ben born “
  • Extremely devalues self , negative narcissim.

Pine — Clings to his guilt feelings

Crab Apple — Feels unclean , dirty , but does not accept responsibilty for this condition. Would like to get ride of it as fast as possible.”

{Above Text taken from book Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer}”

Detailed Explanation of Negative Mind Set

  • This person suffers from a lot of guilt .
  • He can’t forgive himself easily for his own deed. …
  • If things go wrong they tend to blame themselves and suffer because of that guilt . Even if it’s not their fault they take whole blame on themselves These people curse themselves for all misconducts and all wrong things happening around.
  • These people keep very high standards for themselves not for others and feel guilty and responsible if they are unable to perform nicely.
  • For all falls and fails in life he broods and despairs.
  • They involve themselfs in many social , cheritable works in oder to remove their feeling of guilt or to compensate for their sins.
  • Their intake of responsibilty of any wrong thing happened can move to an extent of punishing themselves  , they may turn suicidal at times.
  • They go into self mechanism mode to raise self-image , ritualistic , perfection oriented.
  • They may have outburst of temper , changeable moods Too humble , hardworking and ready to appologies at every single thing.

Expected Positive Outcomes

  • Stops brooding over his mistakes , tries to improve them.
  • Learns from his mistakes.
  • For every small negative happening stop blaming himself.
  • Supportively accepts his mistake and learns to let go.

Physical Ailments Due to Negative Emotions

  • Obsessive compulsive behaviour
  • Tension , crampings
  • Nightmares and teeth grinding
  • Insomnia Sking disorders
References and Further Readings

Dr. Vohra Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Vohra Home study course on Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Krishnamoorthy Complete guide to Bach Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer

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