Botanical name: Lonicera caprifolium Linn.
Family Caprifoliaceae
- Latin: Lonicera verma Hort. ex Lavall;
- English: Honeysuckle, Sweet honeysuckle;
- Spanish: Madreselva;
- French: Chevrefeuille des bois, Chevrefeuille des jardins;
- German: Geissblatt.
The irretrievable past is mourned. One has lost a special state that meant happiness and wealth of experience. Feelings of powerlessness, the same happiness cannot be repeated; the present appears empty, the future void of promise. Mind wanders to and dwells on memories of the past; reminiscences that detract from the present moment. Sweet melancholic state; nostalgic, poetic indulgence. In extreme cases, delusions or visions of past experiences, with underlying unresolved grief or trauma. Homesickness; empty-nest-syndrome; nostalgia in regard to loss of youth, health, and beauty, due to injury or aging; dwelling on lost love relationship. Need to find new structure and frame of reference for one’s life; the dynamic of the past is lost, the present appears to hold no structure to allow for new and fruitful experiences to grow.Sadness is the predominant emotion, yet it is tinged with the sweet pain of cherishing something lost, of longing to relive former happiness, if only in one’s memories. There is also hopelessness and resignation in regard to present and future potential for happiness, and there is certainty that nothing can replace the lost fulfilment. Oftentimes, these feelings are based on facts, as in old age when the losses cannot be replaced in this life. Honeysuckle will help even then to ease the sadness and direct the view to the remaining joys of the present moment. Honeysuckle may apply to many different situations of life, whenever a lost preferred state calls from the past and diverts from fully exploring the present.
Lethargy, sleepiness, loss of incentive. Diminished vitality.
(In homeopathic use, the related species of Lonicera xylosteum treats states of coma and sleepiness; the homeopathic medicine is gained from the red berries which cause these adverse effects.)
- Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
- Many other psychosomatic diseases, especially when centering around states of grief or loss, may present with Honeysuckle indications.
Star of Bethlehem: Trauma, shock, severe grief; unresolved traumatic experiences; mourning an irretrievable loss.
Wild Rose: Apathetic resignation; lack of incentive to find or work for happiness in the here and now.
Gorse: Deep-seated, grave hopelessness; the present and future hold no more promise.
Clematis: Longing for fulfillment and happiness that are seen as belonging to the future.
Homoepathic Medicine and Honeysuckle
Carbo animalis: Meditative dwelling on wonderful past; homesickness; gloomy mental state, consciousness appears to be overshadowed by black cloud; general lack of vitality; coldness of body, weakness; (gastric ulcer; (swollen and indurated lymph glands; malignancies).
Phosphoricum acidum: Grief and apathy after experience of loss or disappointment in love; homesickness with silent moroseness; sense of stagnation in mind/emotions and body; lack of vitality and chronic fatigue; colitis or diarrhea after grief.
Igantia amara: Grief and mourning of loss after high expectations have been shattered; romantic disappointments; homesickness and longing for the past; frequent sighing; chronic fatigue syndrome, excessive sleepiness after grief; (spasms and cramps).
Magnesia muriatica: Longing for peace and former happiness; homesickness; cannot endure quarrels and disharmony in environment; feels as if suddenly aged, as if youth is lost; passive and depressed; chronic fatigue syndrome.
Aurum metallicum: Nostalgic longing to see one’s relatives, to experience again former happiness; sadness at loss of affection of friends; depression and suicidal ideation; chronic fatigue syndrome.
Mercurius (solubilis): Homesickness, especially at night, with anxiety and perspiration; longing for the structural safety and happiness of the past, as the present seems threatened, as there is a general feeling of disintegration of the forces of life; ulcerative colitis.
Kali phosphoricum: Exhaustion from overwork, with homesickness and longing for shelter and repose; listless and despondent; chronic fatigue syndrome; (nervous and hypersensitive to all stimuli).