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Botanical name: Ulex europaeus Linn.
Family: Leguminosae

  • English: Gorse, Whin;
  • Spanish: Tojo;
  • French: Grand ajonc;
  • German: Gaspeldorn.

Mind / Emotions

Deep loss of hope and of joyful anticipation.  Life holds no more promises; in case of approaching death, the beyond appears uncertain and vague.  Loss of faith in higher providence.
Resignation and suicidal ideation. Internal standstill of emotions and lack of incentive; sadness.
Lack of conveyed enthusiasm, lack of effort in endeavors, due to negative expectancy. In illness, patient may go along with different treatment approaches to appease loved ones, despite inner hopelessness. After an initial turmoil of emotions, as occurs in situations of great severity, one now becomes calmer, as inevitability of events is accepted.  As people make suggestions for improvement, one might go along with them, knowing full well that there is no way out.  Although one may appear calm, there is also underlying sadness and a sense of misfortune and suffering.
In cases of true hopelessness, such as terminal illness, Gorse will help to raise spirits while in the here and now and give a new, inspiring outlook into the beyond.  The certainty grows that all will be well and one is taken care of.  The Gorse state is not confined to sickness but can be experienced during various situations of life, in business and family life, whenever a situation seems hopeless and one succumbs to it.

  • MIND – AMBITION – loss of


Lack of vitality; more readily prone to succumb to disease or death.  Lowered resistance in the fight against infectious diseases. Generally subdued vital functions within the body due to emotional standstill (lack of vital heat, stagnant digestion, lack of elimination of toxins).

  • Chronic debility; lack of muscular power; uncertain gait.
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease


Star of Bethlehem: Deep sadness, grief, trauma, shock; events leave deep impact on whole person.
Wild Rose: Succumbing to unfavorable circumstances; disinterest in improving one’s lot; loss of incentive, apathetic withdrawal from involvement.
Gentian: Lack of faith and capacity for perseverance; doubts and easily gives up struggling or fighting for improvement.
Clematis: The present holds no joy, but the future is seen as filled with promise; even the beyond can be wished for.
Mustard: Joyless withdrawal into depression and self-absorption.
Oak: Unceasing struggle, but great despondency when progress or cure are not forthcoming.

Homoeopathic Medicine  And Gorse

Alumina: Inner stagnation of emotions and of physical functions, with feelings of resignation and despair of recovery; suicidal ideation; debility, lack of vital heat; low processing ability of digestive tract, with dryness of mucous membranes; numbness of skin; staggering, unsteady gait.
Arsenicum album: In illness, may succumb to hopelessness in regard to recovery, disbelief in efficiency of medicines; generally feels threatened by the possibility of a breakdown in health or in the security and order of life; once a breakdown has occurred, despair may develop; general debility, irritability, loss of weight, lack of vital heat; (eating disorders; gastric ulcer; constricted breathing).
Calcarea carbonica: Overwork and continued demands create state of fearful apprehension and despondency; particularly, there is fear of becoming insane in face of the pressures; with advancing illness in mind and body, there is despair of recovery; low vitality; sluggish functions and lack of vital heat; sour perspiration; obesity.
Psorinum: General pessimism and negative expectancy; feels forsaken and hopeless, especially during illness; suicidal ideation; lowered vitality, great chilliness; falls ill frequently; offensive odors and skin eruptions.
Syphilinum: Feels as if in a downward-spiral of disintegration in mind and body; nihilism and despair of recovery during illness; compulsive measures to avoid contamination and counteract negative expectancy; prostration is greatest in the morning; (nightly bone pains).
Lycopodium clavatum: Fearful and hopeless in face of new endeavors, anticipates failure, yet may try to portray image of courage; despair of recovery in illness, though can also appear strong-willed or haughty; lack of vital heat; poor circulation, with cold extremities; ulcerative colitis, digestive disturbances.
Helleborus niger: Sensorial deprivation and apathetic hopelessness; remorse; sighs involuntarily; slurred speech; may come on after head injury, stroke; lowered vitality; edema; ulcerative colitis; (involuntary movements when not concentrating on limbs).
Ignatia amara: Taciturn hopelessness after initial high expectations have been dashed; frequent sighing from grief; locked up, deeply buried emotions; lack of emotional release leads to cramping and spasms in the body; (eating disorders; rectal spasms).
Aurum sulphuratum: Profound despair of recovery; depression and loathing of life; aversion to company; weariness; constant nodding of head and staggering gait, as in ataxia; (lancinating pains and sensitive skin).
Bryonia alba: Taciturn refusal to engage in social interaction, with apathy and hopelessness in regard to outcome of illness; concerned about business; physical weakness; stagnation of function and processing power, especially in alimentary canal (constipation); dryness of all mucous membranes.

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