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“Ulmus Procera….

Flowers between February and April , depending on the weather , in woodlands and hedgerows. The small very numerous purplish- brown flowers growing in clusters open before the leaves.”

Emotional GroupDespondency and despair

“Elm touches on the principle of responsibility.In it’s Negative form it reveals itself as the ‘weak moments in the lifes of the strong’ when people of above average ability and responsibility suddenly become so exhausted that they feel no longer upto the task.”

Elm Keynote Symptoms …

Overwhelmed by responsibility

Capable but temporary inadequacy

  • Temporary feeling of inadequecy .Overwhelmed by responsibilities.
  • Suddenly feels overwhelmed by a task.
  • Feels that responsibility is becoming too much.
  • Feels he or she does nnot have strength to achieve everything necessary or desired.
  • Phases of despondency and exhaustion in strong characters whose normally excellent self-confidence has temporarily disappeared.
  • Temporary exhaustion due to constant efforts to  perform at optimum level.
  • Temporarily doubts capacities and suitability for a particular function.
  • Has the feeling of not being able to keep up.
  • Has become indispensible to others and now cannot shed the responsibility.
  • Has taken on too much work and too many different tasks for the moment.

{Above Text taken from book Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer}”

Detailed Explanation of Negative Mind Set

  • Overwhelmed by responsibility.
  • This is a remedy suiting to the people holding very responsible positions in life eg ministers , principals CEO etc .People who are Responsible ,  , capable  and intelligent and hard working people and self relient.
  • They often feel inadequate which leads them to despondency and till the time this kind of feeling stays they feel exhausted.
  • They suddenly start doubting their  ability to do work because they  feel overwhelmed by the heap of responsibilities ,
  • They have Aimless , scattered ‘or’ hurried approach to tasks , with loss of overview because they undertake many tasks at one time which are much more what they can handle  and they become exhausted dute to their long list of works. .
  • When undertaking ample of responsibilities , they do not give any considerations to all known and unknown factors like age factor , sudden incident ‘or’ accidents of life.
  • Sometimes when they are unable to reach the targets they get into panic situations.

Expected Positive Outcomes

  • This helps them to judge better about their circimstances and handling capacities before undertaking a task.
  • Overcome the feeling of inedequacy and despondency quickly.
  • Reduce their hastyness and they master tasks better.
  • Helps to get clarity of mind and organize himself better.
  • They get  confidence and strength to handle responsibilities.
  • They gain more confidence and self-assurance to complete his task.

Physical Ailments Due to Negative Emotions

  • Exhaustion , lack of power to handle challenges cause congestion at physical level ,may be leading to constipation .
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • May get breathing problems
  • Lathargyness , exhaustion at all levels
References and Further Readings

Dr. Vohra Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Vohra Home study course on Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Krishnamoorthy Complete guide to Bach Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer

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