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Archiv für die Kategorie „Artikel Dr. Mirza Anwer Baig“

Vermeiden Sie den Antibiotika-Missbrauch

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We as doctor, with whatever faculty belong to should welcome the Indian Medical Association; “Antibiotic Awareness Week”, from 28.9.14 to 5.10.14. I must thank the office bearer of the association, Dr. Jitu Patel and Dr. N. Saini. In fact this proposal should have come long back. It is a well-known fact now that the misuse of antibiotics as drugs has caused more harm than the usefulness of them as remedies. I am requesting them to observe Fever Drugs Day as well in their coming agenda. Since if antibiotics interfere the cellular response of the body over the counter sale of fever drugs confuses the humoral response as well. Medicine is not like a mechanical thing or a science of drug to a disease as if it is like a departmental store. Diesen Beitrag weiterlesen »

These days, people are panicked from Ebola due to breaking news in media. Ebola virus is believed to be a fatal killer, may kill 90 out of 100. There are 2 types of news, one is propagating this other is discarding; God knows what is the motive behind this since the news has flashed from the Geneva, the head quarter which controls the health of the people of the world. This reminds me those days when the news of AIDS as a killer disease was first announced from a seven star hotel of Los Angeles (USA). Surprisingly, the common link between these two is that poor monkey which is green and lives in Africa. Diesen Beitrag weiterlesen »

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